Since the beginning of the current century, several voices around the world had been urging the governments and bodies of scientists to assess the pressure we humans have been putting on the environment. This prompted the scientists to analyze the impact of different industrial activities. It was found that certain industrial activities bear more impact than others. Civil construction is one of the high impact industrial activity. Needless to say, there was a global outcry to revise the processes of these high impact industrial activity so that the pressure on the environment can be minimized. In case of civil construction, there was an ardent call for sustainable building materials. Within a few years, several new building materials emerged in the market, which were less polluting and more durable than the traditional building materials. It was quite evident that a new era was all set to begin in the world of construction.
The only problem with these building materials was that these were quite expensive and many builders and contractors could not afford them. This is where government had to step in with policies to regulate and popularize the use of modern building materials. It is a very good thing that today most of the leading construction companies are gradually phasing out traditional building materials and embracing modern building materials. The more these sustainable materials would be used, the faster will they witness a drop in prices.
There has been a constant attempt by the lobbies of traditional building materials to popularize the notion that the sustainable building materials are weak and will fail to withstand the immense pressure which a civil structure is supposed to bear. They also argued that the lobbies which support the use of sustainable building materials are in the favor of certain industrialists. All these allegations are completely false. The use of sustainable modern building materials is the need of the hour. The rate of civil construction is increasing at an exponential rate and the thoughtless pace of construction is taking toll on our environment. There is ample proof for that. Regions with higher rate of construction experience shortage of underground water, soil sterilization and faulty climate. So, if sustainable construction is not promoted, the rate of low quality construction can never be stopped and we shall continue harming our environment like never before.
Scientist bodies have been trying to develop more and more different types of modern building materials, which will retain all the properties of traditional building materials and will be sustainable at the same time. In fact, a few brilliant materials have been developed which will soon find use in the world of construction to build eco-friendly houses. All these efforts for the betterment of our environment will definitely redeem us in the future.